Here I write about the faithfulness of God in my life

and in the lives of saints throughout the ages.

I seek to help us all to take our faith from our heads,

down into our hearts (where we can feel it)

and then to our feet (where we live it)!

On Earth as It is in Heaven
Lara Martin Lara Martin

On Earth as It is in Heaven

It is the Spirit of Jesus, living inside His children, the Church, that enables God’s will to be done on earth in the same manner as it is done in the Heavenly realm. As we, moment by moment, yield to the Spirit’s work in and through us, God’s mission on earth is advanced.

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The Eternal Question
Lara Martin Lara Martin

The Eternal Question

We’ve all asked the question. We’ve been asking it since the Garden. When the bottom falls out of our world, we may even scream it. Does God really love me? The answer matters more than anything else you’ll ever hear. Believing the answer within every storm will hold you better than the strongest anchor.

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Rock and Redeemer
Lara Martin Lara Martin

Rock and Redeemer

What was Peter thinking as the rooster crowed and he couldn’t get away fast enough? Perhaps it was the words of his Lord and friend ringing in his ears. “If you deny me before men, I will deny you before My Father.” Was he washed up, finished, broken beyond repair? No. And neither are you.

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Gifts of Lent: Rest from Perfect
Lent, Resting Lara Martin Lent, Resting Lara Martin

Gifts of Lent: Rest from Perfect

As recently illustrated in the Barbie movie, the modern woman (and perhaps all women) can turn themselves inside out trying to perfect being perfect. In the end, not only is it not possible, it isn’t even helpful. The only way to perfect anything is with God. He promises perfect peace and perfect faithfulness. What could be more perfect?

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