When You Just Feel Stuck
Do you ever feel stuck? Two people that I care about recently told me that they did. They both have big dreams that they’ve been working towards, but for whatever reason, they’re having a hard time seeing what to do next. Both are in danger of losing sight of the vision that was once clear.
I can relate. Sometimes I feel like I keep coming back to the same place and that no progress has been made. Whether with my health or my character or my relationships I can get discouraged because I'm not where I ultimately want to be. Hope can be hard to hold onto.
In Genesis, God called Abram (later Abraham) out of his homeland to a Promised Land far away. Abram packed up his entire household and hit the road because God told him to. It was an act of faith that will later be called (by God), righteousness. When he arrived, he built an altar and worshipped God. God blessed Abram and he became very wealthy.
I can imagine that some might read that synopsis and deduce that the lesson is: obey God and get rich. But the whole story was not that clear cut and the lessons are in the details.
Abram set out for Canaan with his father and wife and nephew but then settled in Haran for a while and became wealthy there. The word "settled" here could have a double meaning. He must have established comfortable living and profitable working situations. But also, sometimes we set a goal for something, get part way and then decide, "eh, maybe this is far enough." I know have!
After his father died, God appeared to Abram again and told him to go on to Canaan. He arrived and built an altar and worshipped God at Bethel. End of story? No.
A famine came, so he went to Egypt. There he lied and caused his wife to become an adulteress, was kicked out of Egypt and became richer. He returns to Bethel and again calls on the name of the Lord. God shows up, literally, to renew His promises. Then Abram has more adventures, more journeys, more lying and putting his wife in danger. Finally, he became the father he’d longed to be and was renamed Abraham.
What I find so profound in this familiar story, is that God is directing his steps, but Abraham is still making decisions based on his own desires/fears/goals. Whether or not God intended him to settle in Haran or to go to Egypt, He still blessed Abraham abundantly in those places. Although he was far from following and trusting God perfectly, God's perfect plan was not in danger because of Abraham's imperfect following.
He worshipped God in the place that he’d been told to go and then he went off and did not follow God ... then he returned. Was he right back where he started? No, I don't think so.
Even though Abraham was physically in the exact same place he'd been before, he was not the same person. He'd learned some things and gained some things. God was still with him, still had a plan for his life (that he'd not been able to ruin) and was still blessing him.
Sometimes it feels like we're right back where we started, but we aren't the same people we were when we were there before.
For it is You who blessed the righteous man, O Lord, You surround him with favor as with a shield. Psalm 5:12
Despite Abraham’s shortcomings, God did surround him like a shield and blessed him abundantly. By the time he returned to Canaan his wealth was vast. But more than that, his understanding of God was vastly clearer.
His greatest trial was still to come. A test that anyone would struggle to pass. But Abraham is able to lay what is most precious to him on a literal altar, trusting God to give it back. Abraham walks away from this incident with a new name for and understanding of God: The Lord will provide.
After decades of working to build his empire and make sure his family is secure, he finally understands that none of that is up to him. It is God who blessed his flocks, protected his journeying and showed him favor with all the people he’d traveled among. It was the Lord who had and would provide.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. Proverbs 3:5-6
Most of our lives are long winding roads. Perhaps the only straight ones are very short. Sometimes we can’t see what’s ahead or where we should aim. We can be afraid of what’s around the bend or what the consequences of our shaky next step will be. Or we can trust the One who has provided and promises to continue.
Wherever you are, wherever you’ve been, maybe you’re not stuck. Maybe you’re taking a rest? As my favorite exercise platform, Revelation Wellness, says, “Resting is not quitting!” Sometimes in life, like on any journey, we need a moment to look back where we came from, evaluate where we’re at (being careful not to “settle”), and remember why we’re headed in the direction we are.
If you feel that God has placed you on the path, then the destination is in His hands and the results are up to Him. Catch your breath, turn all the possible outcomes over to Him, and take the next step.